BetaSeries Club and collections!

We have just updated the website and apps with a very demanding feature: collections!

Introducing also the new BetaSeries Club for more features and regular updates.

You can find more info on

New SVOD platforms

We added the following countries and SVOD platforms:
  • Switzerland (Apple TV+, HBO Max, Paramount+)
  • Canada (Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+)

Expand Your Actor Knowledge!

The new Partners section in Actor Pages

Whenever you visit an actor's profile page on BetaSeries, you'll now find a dedicated section showcasing their collaborations with other actors. You'll discover a list of all the TV shows and movies in which they have appeared alongside their colleagues. It's like a treasure trove of connections, allowing you to dive deeper into the world of your favorite actors and explore their remarkable partnerships.
Imagine being able to uncover the hidden links between your beloved actors and exploring their shared projects. You can broaden your knowledge of the entertainment industry and gain a fresh perspective on the performances you admire. Whether it's a long-standing duo that consistently delivers outstanding chemistry or an unexpected collaboration that took you by surprise, this feature will undoubtedly enrich your BetaSeries experience.
So go ahead, explore the actors' profiles, discover new connections, and let us know what you think! Your feedback is invaluable in helping us shape BetaSeries into the ultimate destination for all your TV show needs.